Mastering VMware Snapshots with PowerShell/PowerCLI

In the world of virtualization, managing resources efficiently is super important. If you’re an administrator dealing with virtual environments, using the right tools is a must. That’s where PowerShell comes in—a really helpful tool that can make managing VMware snapshots easier, so things run smoothly and problems get solved fast. Simplifying Virtual Management with PowerShell Imagine a world where things happen quickly and accurately. That’s exactly what PowerShell does. With

vCenter 7 [FAILED] – Failed to start file system check

I am having a VMWare Lab running on VMWare Workstation. The Lab is having 2 ESXi instances and vCenter is running on top of one of the ESXi. Datastore is iSCSI connected to a Windows Server 2019 running also on VMWare Workstation. Recently vCenter has been experiencing some issues with the Datastore and was refusing to initiate with the following error – [FAILED] Failed to start File System Check on

Use ChatGPT as VMWare Administrator – ask for solutions or ask to generate PowerCLI Scripts

As a VMware administrator, your primary responsibility is to ensure the smooth and efficient functioning of your virtual environment. From managing virtual machines and storage to ensuring uptime and performance, your role requires you to have a deep understanding of virtualization technology and the ability to manage complex infrastructures. While this can be a challenging task, there are tools and resources available to make your job easier. One such tool

Upgrade VMware ESXi from 7.0.3 to 8.0 – Incompatible

Upgrading your VMware ESXi host can be an exciting time for your organization, especially when you are upgrading from version 7.0.3 to the latest version 8.0. With new features, bug fixes, and performance improvements, the process can bring significant benefits to your virtual environment. However, the upgrade process can also bring unforeseen issues. In this blog post, we will explore some of the common issues that can arise during an

VMWare Workstation does not support nested virtualization on this host

VMWare Workstation just popped-up this message to you when trying to start a VM? Then read further to find the fix. According to Microsoft – Many third-party virtualization applications don’t work together with Hyper-V. Affected applications include VMware Workstation and VirtualBox. These applications might not start virtual machines, or they may fall back to a slower, emulated mode. To make the VM start in VMWare Workstation, you have to disable

Fix Migration option for a VM is greyed out

This morning I had to do an ESXi software upgrade within 1h service window. The ESXi Host was configured in a Cluster (3 Hosts) with vMotion active, but no DRS. I was able to move all the VMs running on the host to other hosts, except one. This VM was having an USB Dongle connected to it and stuck to the ESXi Host. The plan was to shut it down

Upgrade VMWare vSphere from version 6.7 to 8

Today I’ve decided to upgrade my VMWare LAB from version 6.7 to version 8. Even it is a straightforward process, I would like to share it, maybe it can help someone in some way. If you are having only a customer account at VMWare, you have to register first to be able to evaluate vSphere8. So looks my evaluations board on VMWare portal. After registering, you will be able to

Changing your vCenter Server’s FQDN

In this post I would like to show you how you can change your vCenter Server’s FQDN. You can have different reasons for doing this. I have to do it because I had some problems when upgrading vCSA from version 6.7 to 8. My FQDN was vcsa.lab.local and I reconfigured it to vcsa.vsphere.local. For more details you can also check this link. Please note that the reconfiguration of FQDN is

Reset or Configure HPE iLO directly from ESXi Host

Have you ever upgraded the ESXi software on HPE Servers and after reboot iLO did not come up anymore? Well, this is what happened to me after installation of ESXi software patches on a couple of HPE servers. Even the ESXi patches were installed successfully and the ESXi hypervisor started correctly, the iLO interface couldn’t be reached anymore. All the installation was done remotely, so there was no physical access

How to check if a remote port is open (Windows)

I’m sure there were times when you had to check if a port is accessible from one computer to another. In the earlier days we used to test network connectivity to a specific port of the remote computer using telnet command. Telnet used to come preinstalled in Windows, but in latest Windows OS not anymore. In these days some companies have restrictions on installing third party programs or new services